Best of CHI 2017 : the Missing Part

Best of CHI 2017 : the Missing Part

While I’m seeking for some material as my daily readings, I decided to read best papers of CHI (the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems). I found a really nice page by Jeff Huang collecting best papers from many top-tier conferences in CS. Mysteriously, all records suddenly stopped at 2016. So I went to for best papers in CHI 2018. However, CHI 17 does not provide a searchable link for best papers. Thus I decided to fill the missing part here.


Understanding Public Evaluation: Quantifying Experimenter Intervention
Designing Gamified Applications that Make Safe Driving More Engaging
Illumination Aesthetics: Light as a Creative Material within Computational Design
Empowered Participation: How Citizens Use Technology in Local Governance
Stories from Survivors: Privacy & Security Practices when Coping with Intimate Partner Abuse
ShareVR: Enabling Co-Located Experiences for Virtual Reality between HMD and Non-HMD Users
Examining Menstrual Tracking to Inform the Design of Personal Informatics Tools
Explaining the Gap: Visualizing One’s Predictions Improves Recall and Comprehension of Data
mHealth for Maternal Mental Health: Everyday Wisdom in Ethical Design
A Critical Lens on Dementia and Design in HCI
Modelling Learning of New Keyboard Layouts
What Is Interaction?
Flash Organizations: Crowdsourcing Complex Work by Structuring Crowds As Organizations
BIGnav: Bayesian Information Gain for Guiding Multiscale Navigation
Reflective Practicum: A Framework of Sensitising Concepts to Design for Transformative Reflection
Fingertip Tactile Devices for Virtual Object Manipulation and Exploration
What Can Be Predicted from Six Seconds of Driver Glances?
Design and Evaluation of a Data-Driven Password Meter
You Want Me to Work with Who?
Organic Primitives: Synthesis and Design of pH-Reactive Materials using Molecular I/O for Sensing Actuation and Interaction


Does Practice Make Perfect?
Enhancing Personal Informatics Through Social Sensemaking
Participatory Evaluation with Autistic Children
Visualization Literacy at Elementary School
Interactive Vectorization
Community-Empowered Air Quality Monitoring System
SUGILITE: Creating Multimodal Smartphone Automation by Demonstration
Generating Haptic Textures with a Vibrotactile Actuator
Chameleon Devices: Investigating More Secure and Discreet Mobile Interactions via Active Camouflaging
Inferring Motion Direction using Commodity Wi-Fi for Interactive Exergames
Inner Garden: Connecting Inner States to a Mixed Reality Sandbox for Mindfulness
Increasing Users’ Confidence in Uncertain Data by Aggregating Data from Multiple Sources
Supporting People with Dementia in Digital Social Sharing
Pressure-Based Gain Factor Control for Mobile 3D Interaction using Locally-Coupled Devices
Variolite: Supporting Exploratory Programming by Data Scientists
Means and Ends in Human-Computer Interaction: Sustainability through Disintermediation
Toward Everyday Gaze Input: Accuracy and Precision of Eye Tracking and Implications for Design
Interactive Performance as a Means of Civic Dialogue
MyriadHub: Efficiently Scaling Personalized Email Conversations with Valet Crowdsourcing
Informality and Invisibility: Traditional Technologies as Tools for Collaboration in an Informal Market
Relational Distancing and Termination between Online Friends: An Application of the Investment Model
Improving Communication Between Pair Programmers Using Shared Gaze Awareness
People with Visual Impairment Training Personal Object Recognizers: Feasibility and Challenges
Finding the Right Fit: Understanding Health Tracking in Workplace Wellness Programs
Intersectional HCI: Engaging Identity through Gender Race and Class
A Cognitive Model of How People Make Decisions Through Interaction with Visual Displays
Respeak: A Voice-based Crowd-powered Speech Transcription System
Trajectories of Engagement and Disengagement with a Story-Based Smoking Cessation App
GraphScape: A Model for Automated Reasoning about Visualization Similarity and Sequencing
Thin Grey Lines: Confrontations With Risk on Colorado’s Front Range
Honorable Mention," ““Not another Z piece!””: Adaptive Difficulty in TETRIS"
: Ink Unleashed by Unified Scope Action & Zoom
Finding Similar People to Guide Life Choices: Challenge Design and Evaluation
Cinehacking Cape Town - Embracing Informality in Pursuit of High Quality Media
A Good Reason to Die: How Avatar Death and High Challenges Enable Positive Experiences
CrowdVerge: Predicting If People Will Agree on the Answer to a Visual Question
Crowdsourcing GO: Effect of Worker Situation on Mobile Crowdsourcing Performance
Older Adults Learning Computer Programming: Motivations Frustrations and Design Opportunities
Supporting Cultures of Making: Technology Policy Visions and Myths
Jackknife: A Reliable Recognizer with Few Samples and Many Modalities
When Empathy Is Not Enough: Assessing the Experiences of Autistic Children with Technologies
Looking Coordinated: Bidirectional Gaze Mechanisms for Collaborative Interaction with Virtual Characters
Examining Adult-Child Interactions in Intergenerational Participatory Design
Sidestepping the Elephant in the Classroom: Using Culturally Localized Technology To Teach Around Taboos
Care and Connect: Exploring Dementia-Friendliness Through an Online Community Commissioning Platform
Quantifying Aversion to Costly Typing Errors in Expert Mobile Text Entry
Sparkle: Hover Feedback with Touchable Electric Arcs
Examining Crowd Work and Gig Work Through The Historical Lens of Piecework
Quietto: An Interactive Timepiece Molded in Concrete and Milled Wood
Understanding Concept Maps: A Closer Look at How People Organise Ideas
On Speculative Enactments
The UX of Avatar Customization
Exploring Seasonality in Mobile Cultural Heritage
Collection Objects: Enabling Fluid Formation and Manipulation of Aggregate Selections
Managing Uncertainty in Time Expressions for Virtual Assistants
HOBIT: Hybrid Optical Bench for Innovative Teaching
TummyTrials: A Feasibility Study of Using Self-Experimentation to Detect Individualized Food Triggers
Creating a Sociotechnical API: Designing City-Scale Community Engagement
Community Commerce: Facilitating Trust in Mom-to-Mom Sale Groups on Facebook
EarFieldSensing: A Novel In-Ear Electric Field Sensing to Enrich Wearable Gesture Input through Facial Expressions
Low-Wage Precarious Workers’ Sociotechnical Practices Working Towards Addressing Wage Theft
Honorable Mention," ““These are not my hands!””: Effect of Gender on the Perception of Avatar Hands in Virtual Reality"
Video Consumption Patterns for First Time Smartphone Users: Community Health Workers in Lesotho
Investigating the Suitability of the Asynchronous Remote Community-based Method for Pregnant and New Mothers
I Am The Passenger: How Visual Motion Cues Can Influence Sickness For In-Car VR
Hybrid HFR Depth: Fusing Commodity Depth and Color Cameras to Achieve High Frame Rate Low Latency Depth Camera Interactions
Why Tangibility Matters: A Design Case Study of At-Risk Children Learning to Read and Spell
Through the Looking Glass: The Effects of Feedback on Self-Awareness and Conversational Behaviour during Video Chat
Honorable Mention Supporting Community Health Workers in India through Voice- and Web-Based Feedback

Crawl ACM DL and find best papers

The way I got them is to crawl the ACM Digital Library. Search “CHI 2017” and refine the publication name with “CHI ‘17: Proceedings of the 2017 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems”. We got 601 results. Then we will find that the best paper/honorable mention ones will have a small badge on their detail page (like this one). Thus we can crawl each page in the result, and see if there’s such badge information in the page.

The crawler I used is Scrapy, and it’s super convenient to use. For reference, I put the crawler code here (and don’t forget to edit the user-agent because ACM DL disabled crawler).

import scrapy

You need to set 
USER_AGENT = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/56.0.2924.87 Safari/537.36'

in the
class CHI17Spider(scrapy.Spider):
    name = "acmCHI17"
    start_urls = [

    def parse_paper(self, response):
        # here we find if the badge is in the detail page
        tag = ''
        if 'Best Paper' in response.text:
            tag = 'Best Paper'
        if 'Honorable Mention' in response.text:
            tag = 'Honorable Mention'
        if len(tag) > 0:
            title = response.css('#divmain div.large-text h1::text').extract_first().strip()
            print (tag+',', title)

    def parse(self, response):
        # here we parse the search result page
        # for each result we go to the detail page
        for detail in response.css('div.details div.title a::attr(href)'):
            yield response.follow(detail, self.parse_paper)

        log = response.css("div.pagelogic")[0]
        current_page = int(log.css('span strong::text').extract()[0])
        # here we go the next page of the serach result
        for a in log.css('span a'):
                if int(a.css('::text').extract_first()) > current_page:
                    yield response.follow(a.css("::attr(href)").extract_first(), self.parse)
            except ValueError:

If you want to only get certain authors’ paper or search by some keyword, it’s fairly easy to modify the code to suit for your purpose.

© Mingrui Zhang. All rights reserved.